Funny Observations - Japan

After walking around all day, racking up a list of funny cultural differences, we decided to do a recurring post about each country.  First up, Country #1 - Japan...

#1 - The Japanese don't sweat.  No seriously.  It was 90 and humid in Tokyo.  I was dripping sweat (and I don't normally sweat).  And everywhere I looked, Japanese locals were walking by, dry as a cactus.  People were wearing suits and sweaters and jackets, eating hot ramen lunches, and not a single bead of sweat.  Not sure if it's hereditary or they have some grand secret, but either way, it's amazing.  

The only people sweating in Japan were...the Chinese.

#2 - Japanese women show no cleavage, but lots of leg.

Japanese Legs.jpg

#3 - Germs are evil!  They have Vitamin C enhanced water.  No one shakes hands (bows only).  And people wear masks everywhere.  But oddly enough, most public bathrooms don't have soap.  Still haven't figured that one out...

Japan Germ Masks

#4 -  The word "Okay" is completely overused and misused.  The Japanese use "Okay" as a substitute for "Yes", but it doesn't always make sense.  "Is this the way to our hotel?" "Okay!"  "Is this on sale?" "Okay!"  "Does this contain shellfish, because I'm allergic?" "Okay!"

Okay Japan

#5 - There are no garbage cans anywhere.  Seriously, recycling is everywhere (as it should be!).  But no garbage cans.  So you have to either a) litter or b) carry your trash back to your hotel.

#6 - Swastikas are everywhere.  But no worries, it's just a Buddhist/Hindu symbol.  Swastika is a Sanskrit word, meaning "well-being."  Nothing to do with the Nazis, but still, a little odd looking on Google maps...

Japan Swastika Google Map

#7 - The toilets are alive!

There are buttons to lift and lower the seat.  Buttons to flush.  Buttons for front and back bidets.  Buttons to warm the seat.  And even buttons for music.  But the fun really starts when there are no translations for the buttons (not mentioning any names, but someone may have incorrectly used the bidet).

Japan Public Toilet

#8 - Western toilets are not always self-explanatory.  I stopped feeling bad about the crazy toilets when I realized not everyone knows how to use a "Western" toilet...


How to use a Western toilet